Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Bon Jovi Fan club

I have started a forum on Bon Jovi for their fans(I'm one).

There are some really die hard fans out there. The forum basically has two sections: 1) Bon Jovi the band 2) Bon Jovi Fans which have forums on General talks, Downloads, Music News. Apart from these, there are forums on RockTalk, Gossip, Polls and to top it all, Bon Jovi Vs Other Bands.

You can catch the site at:

There are 133 articles in just 2 days of its opening. Great start!

I will book the domain soon and keep you updated.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Single line of HTML crashes IE 6

A Japanese blogger who goes by the name Hamachiya2 has discovered a single line of HTML and CSS that crashes IE 6. The line is:


If you’re brave, you can click here to try it out. The code is rendered correctly in Firefox, Safari and Opera (didn’t get a chance to try any other browsers, but presumably they work too). But in IE 6 it raises a fatal error in mshtml.dll.

Deep Linking How to avoid

A deep link is a direct link to a web site's resource without accessing the main page of the site. For example your site is and your contact page is at If a user types the 2nd link without going though the main page, he is called as The Deep Linker.

It becomes a problem for many of the sites which display ads on their first page(the index page). The HTTP protocol doesn't bother if the user is asking for a resource via a deep link or via a normal link. After all, the request which goes to the server is something like this :

GET /contactus/contact.html

for both cases 1. When you access it through a deep link or 2. When you access it normally via first page's link.

So, how to avoid people from linking deep?
Here's a small trick:

1. Check for a cookie at each deep link. If it doesn't exist, redirect to index page.
2. On the index page insert a cookie which gets killed when the browser is closed.

Anyone knowing a non cookie based solution to this problem do post it in the comments