Recently I found the lyrics of
The Free Software Song by
Richard Stallman.
Before the lyrics here a short history of the song: Richard Stallman was attending some get together where everyone had to either sing or perform something. He knew his turn was coming so he quickly scribbled this song. He also thought of the tune that very moment. When he sung the song, people said it sounded like an anthem and one lady said that he should show it to Richard Stallman. He replied that he was Richard Stallman!
Join us now and share the software;
You'll be free, hackers, you'll be free.
Hoarders may get piles of money,
That is true, hackers, that is true.
But they cannot help their neighbors;
That's not good, hackers, that's not good.
When we have enough free software
At our call, hackers, at our call,
We'll throw out those dirty licenses
Ever more, hackers, ever more.
Join us now and share the software;
You'll be free, hackers, you'll be free
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